2020 Lead Generation Trends

A lead could be a single individual or a group of people who are likely interested in your goods or services. Leads are of two types warm and cold, the former one would denote someone who has shown or is potentially showing interest in your business whereas the latter lead has no former knowledge of your organization or what goods or services you are indulged in. The very first step in Lead marketing is sourcing out prospect information and accordingly assigning priority to each in the need of sales. Lead generation performs a vital role in the progress of any business, as this is the primary action in the sales funnel. With so many diverse options, lead generation could seem to be overwhelming and complex. But, it doesn’t have to be. In this blog, we will share a few lead generation trends to follow in 2020. These trends have already showcased their credibility and so could surely come in handy for your organization: 

Conversational marketing
Informal or conversational marketing through the use of chat bots is on the rise. Chat bots uses Artificial intelligence in order to effectively communicate with the customers. A 2018 stat shows that over 300,000 bots were created just by using Facebook Chat box platform. Customers expect a quicker response to their queries and so accordingly chat box can be automated to address and guide leads in real-time. Everyone is aware of how critical it is to response to a new lead within 5 minutes, still less than 7% of companies engage within this time frame. Chat bots provide valuable support in data collection such as email addresses, contact details, preferences, feedback, and more. All the data related to the conversation can be used to store future lead scoring. So organizations should try and maximize lead enhancing potentials along with automation. These days the website bots are gaining a bad reputation for spamming customers via notifications as soon as they visit the page. So try not to incorporate such on your page as it loses the lead's interest. 

Voice and search marketing

These days the voice searches are amongst the top methods of the searches available and so businesses have started scrambling to optimize for search speeches. More focus is given on long-tail keywords as they closely simulate real-life speech models of people seeking for answers. Hence, you should focus on creating your content to be more conversational so as to generate more leads. And more focus should be given on phrases that match with the targeted audience language. Here even question analyzers come in handy as they can be used to find popular questions across the multitude of forums and Q&A sites.

Video content marketing

Video marketing trend has been ascended in the current market. More than 80 % of the businesses have been using video as a marketing tool and is increasing at a rate of more than 15% year on year. Some common forms of video marketing are webinars, demos, webcasts, live streams, and brief informational videos. The reason for this shift is because the audiences prefer video content over reading. This is a human psychology that creative videos are much more likely to engage, impress and convert leads into business. They are an effective tool for enhancing your confidence and authority just make sure to configure a lead generation plan to get the most out of it.

Email Marketing

Although not a new trend but more than 70 % of people still prefer emails as their prior communication channel. This shows that relying on this could turn out to be comprehensive lead generation strategy. Emails marketing help in building trust and brand credibility. Besides, it will help in developing relationships between both your clients and prospects. It allows in widening your reach, as you can get to both warm and cold lead via this medium. It helps in delivering weekly newsletters, educating leads regarding your products and more. 

Influencer marketing

Businesses are teaming up with more and more influencers from respective niches to extend their reach. It enables a business to tie up with a social celebrity whose fans could be the potential leads for the organization. Just organization needs to focus on finding the right influencer for the right platform that praises the same values as their brand. The end goal of the business is to tap into the influencer's audience, so it is important to get the attention of the influencer first. Joining the social groups of the influencer and building your credibility should be the first step in the process. 

Converting leads into customers isn't an easy task. It requires marketers to climb major mountains. Various trends come up and go in lead-generation marketing, so your ability to go with the flow, update, innovate and work thoughtfully will surely optimize one's experience and will keep them a step ahead in the game.


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